Tuesday, December 10, 2013

First infographic ever made

Hey bloggers!

Here there is the first infographic I made with InDesign! 

The point was making an infographic that showed graphically the distribution of the Solar System and its planets and also show some information of the International Astronomical Union. 

My work was clearly not very well. I tried to depict the information in a representative way to make it more realistic and interesting but I failed on making the graphic attractive. It looks very dense as I charged too much the page with information! I think I should have organized better the text, with subtitles and grouping the similar topics, because if not is too heavy for read it. The reader would easily get tired of reading all the information. However, I think that the idea of representing the background like the outer space looks nice and gives the infographic a very eye-catching style!

I would like to hear what you think about this infographic and if you could give some advice on how ameliorate it, it would be great!



  1. I really like the idea of integrating the information graphic with the article - which is what you've done here. It looks cool with the universe as the background of the text and the different planets to show their order. But could you maybe have done something else to use the graphic to show more than just the planet's distances to the Sun?

    1. Thanks for your comment Rikke! Yes, I know , the graphic should be more efficient, because apart from the pictures the text looks rather boring.

  2. Hi, Sara! I really like your information graphic. The way you present the planets and the universe as the background is quite good, and it provides dynamism and is aesthetically pleasant. The text makes it so dense, The colors are very well chosen.

    1. Hi Ari! Thanks for your comment, and yes, I know, the text definitely will overwhelm the reader. I should had found a more interesting way to present it and organize it.

  3. Hello Sara, I think that you infographic about solar system is really informative. I like very much the form that you use the indesign program because when you see the graphic you can see the similation with the universe.

  4. Thank you Helena for your comment! I'm glad you've liked it! :)


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