Monday, December 16, 2013

Another unemployment graphic

Hello bloggers!

In this post I want you to look at one of the infographics I found doing a little research in order to get inspiration for my own UE unemployment graphic, which I have already commented on the last post.

Its source is, which is an on-line platform who wants to promote the international debate for the emerging European society, under the motto: Society, Democracy, Europe.

This infographic was accompanying an article about the situation that youngsters suffer from the economical crisis in Europe, which has led an increasing of unemployment. It was published on July of 2013.

This graphic is clearly very well organized. The hierarchy is well established and also directs the eyes of the reader through its different information. It's also not very dense, because although there's quite information it doesn't overwhelm the viewer, perhaps because it's well organized. 

The graphics used are also rather familiars, because everyone knows maps, bar charts, pie charts, and so. There are some decorative elements (like the boy with the videogame) which give more coherence to the topic and unify the style. 

I liked this graphic because it depicted the topic of unemployment in a serious, but not boring way. That's why I used myself a neutral background like this one in my EU unemployment infographic and also used a colored map to make the reader a more clear idea of the overall situation in Europe.


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